Health Coach/Nurse Coach

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Health Coach/Nurse Coach

My chronic illness journey gave me more gifts than I could have ever imagined. After being ill for 3 years with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and being on 13 medications and seeing countless specialists, I realized there was nothing conventional medicine had to offer me. I recovered my health through naturopathic and functional medicine and simultaneously watched my daughter be injured by routine vaccination.

-I had an awakening.
-I had a crisis.
-I began to research and re-examine all that I thought I knew.

Through that awakening process I became a nurse coach and left the bedside for good. I became a passionate advocate for medical freedom and informed consent. In coaching, I found my voice, I found my gifts. I no longer cared what others thought of me, and I experienced a level of freedom that I only dreamed about.

My favorite question is, What would you do if you stopped caring what others thought of you? Click the link below to read more about how I can help you.

Laura Minard RN, BSN, NC-BC * Personal Freedom Coach

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