Holistic Nutritionist

Holistic Nutritionist

Hi, I’m Amanda Malkin, and I’m a Holistic Health Coach and Nutritionist helping women who are feeling overwhelmed with health learn to be on the same team as their body through optimizing gut health, nutrition education and holistic lifestyle hacks. Below is my personal story and 2 program options.

My Personal Story:

Since I was a teenager, I struggled with a sensitive/chronically upset stomach. Throughout my 20’s my health issues only increased, and my stomach issues worsened. I felt fatigued all the time, my body ached constantly, and I suffered from periodic brain fog and inability to focus. There was never a day without pain, and my stomach was always the worst of it – constipation, diarrhea, excessive chronic bloating, I looked pregnant after most meals! There was even a period of time where I started fainting and having seizures.  I visited countless doctors across all types of different specialties and completed every kind of diagnostic test available for my symptoms. It was extremely costly and time consuming in addition to the money spent on medicine and supplements, which just added more stress. I was misdiagnosed with conditions such as Lyme disease, told nothing was wrong with me, or given a general “bucket” diagnosis of fibromyalgia and IBS, but no one ever had a solution or cure. The constant trips to the doctors coupled with the pain only added to my anxiety and just continued to worsen the symptoms. I was stressed, hopeless, lost, and scared. At times I felt like things could only get worse and I had nowhere to turn and had exhausted all options.

It wasn’t until I started to learn how to take care of my body through a more mindful and holistic approach that I finally started to heal. I had spent all those years trying to outrun my childhood trauma, I had a terminally ill father from the age of 10 until he passed when I was 20 and I have come to learn that trauma doesn’t just go away. Instead it can manifest into real physical symptoms, I now understand my chronically upset stomach as a teenager was all anxiety from my surroundings. It was no coincidence my symptoms really started to show themselves when I was around 22 after losing my dad and the long battle I watched him fight that terrified me more than I realized at the time. I ignored my inner self for years, but the truth was that I lacked balance in my body and there was a lot of healing needing to be done. My trauma coupled with some other factors such as a few too many antibiotics in my younger years wreaked havoc on my body, untilatemly in my gut which I’ve come to learn. I finally realized that these symptoms were my body’s way of crying out for help. I recognized my triggers and was able to begin my healing journey.

I followed my passion for food into the kitchen and started cooking more frequently using clean natural ingredients. I’ve always been obsessed with food. I love trying new things and exploring other cultures through their food and planning my days around what I’m eating simply because food brings me pure joy! I love creating yummy recipes that satisfies both my body and my mind without having to miss out on the excitement in food; diet changes does not mean you have to have a boring basic diet! I now enjoy food while listening to what my body needs. It wasn’t long before my symptoms started to improve. I have more energy, I am happier, and healthier. My journey isn’t over, I will always have work to do, and I still struggle at times, but now I can finally say I know how to do it and am on the right path towards feeling better.

My story is why I decided to change my career from a decade of pharmaceutical sales and become a holistic health coach and nutritionist. I want to share what I’ve learned about food, diet, lifestyle, gut health, and emotional and spiritual connection to one’s self  from my personal experience and training. I truly can empathize with what you are going through because chances are I’ve been there too! I’m here to guide and support you as you work towards gaining control of your health and your life. Click here to visit my website to learn more or to book a consultation.

I’m so excited to work with you!

With Love,

Amanda Malkin

Certified Holistic Health Coach and Nutritionist

Two programs options:


This program is for you if you:

  • Want to know if you are on the right track and what you can do to reach a better place
  • Have a good understanding of your health but just need a little Amp Up and a little guidance
  • Want starter suggestions and a minor diet and supplement audit
  • Need ideas for healthy meals that work for your body
  • A second opinion, my expert eye on your health

Program includes:

  1. 4 weeks of support
  2. In depth review of all of your health concerns discussing goals and outcomes
  3. Week 1 session at 60min for a deep dive into your health, then the following 3 weeks 30min sessions
  4. Meal suggestions & guidelines tailored for you
  5. Accountability and support for 4 weeks Nutrition education tailored to your unique needs
  6. Food and mood journal reviewing
  7. Food & mood journal

*not suggested for chronic illness, chronic symptoms, weight loss support, or digestive issues


This program is for you if you…

  • Need a more in depth coaching relationship with a lot of time for support, accountability, someone to talk with about all your struggles Need an overhaul on your diet and lifestyle Don’t have an understanding of what is healthy for YOUR body
  • Struggling with digestive issues and possible food sensitivities
  • Overwhelmed and confused with your body and don’t know where to begin
  • Struggle knowing how to eat for YOUR body Need my continued support for a longer period of time
  • Want enough time to begin seeing results and feeling a shift in your body

Program includes:

  1. Deep dive into all of your health concerns discussing goals and desired outcomes
  2. 12 weeks of support
  3. 1st week 90min session, following 3 weeks weekly 50 minute sessions and the following 8 weeks biweekly 50min sessions
  4. Accountability and full support for 12 weeks Food and mood journal review
  5. Meal suggestions tailored to you
  6. Nutrition education
  7. Support in understanding your triggers
  8. Food & mood journal

More Resources to Explore