Ego is the way we distinguish ourselves from others. It’s the definition of our reality.
The strategies we play out, and the dramas we become involved in. It’s our dreams and ambitions. It’s our limited mind that provides our physical emotional needs and security. It is limited to information that has been programmed by parents, teachers, social, religious belief systems and by it’s own experiences and, the conclusions it draws. Ego is latin for “I am”. Ego is programmed to assure the survival of the body and the limited mind with its attitudes, positions and avoidance techniques.
From what we observe and experience we draw basic conclusions about ourselves and our world,an illusion. Generally we accept our conditioning as reality without question. The challenge at hand is to rise above Ego’s illusions, and transcend the limited mind. Ego cannot exist in present time. We can each moment, to support the illusion or not. The spiritual path is the journey toward self realization.
~Judith Waidtlow