ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnoses behavioral disorders of childhood, affecting 3-7 out of every 100 children of school age. The ADHD diagnosis can vary widely in symptoms between some children who have more inattention only or those with hyperactivity and impulsivity concerns.
There is no known cause for ADHD; rather it is multifactorial, which makes it in some ways more challenging to treat. Naturopathic medicine can often work well in these types of situations because naturopathic doctors take the time to investigate possible contributing factors and address each one. Some contributing factors are genetics, food sensitivities or immune reactions, neurotransmitter or brain chemistry imbalances, environmental or prenatal exposures, and liver or detoxification problems. It often takes a well-rounded approach, including both physical nutritional therapies and behavioral/educational support to achieve lasting improvements.
Often we need to do some testing to find out what contributing factors may be, and then we can use our ‘tools’ of nutritional support, herbal medicines, homeopathy and dietary/lifestyle changes to help each patient address ADHD.