Not all mold illnesses are “created equal”
MOLD ILLNESS is a general term used for the negative health effects caused by exposure to mold toxins (mycotoxins). This is usually assessed for by a urine test that evaluates lifetime accumulation of mold toxins. These toxins are usually damaging to liver and kidney as well as cancer promoting in high enough amounts. They also have the general characteristics of mold toxins such as pro-oxidant, pro-inflammatory, endocrine disrupting, and GI damaging. CIRS stands for chronic inflammatory response syndrome and is a cascade of immune activation. This only happens in individuals with genetic susceptibility by certain types of HLA-DR genes.
This immune cascade effects many systems including gastrointestinal, respiratory, nervous system, and more. It tends to create a more severe response to mold and takes a lot more steps to heal.
Are you interested in learning more about mold illness? We have many ways to test for mold so call us to schedule or check out the book Break The Mold by Dr. Jill Crista