$83.78 / month
One tub of Optimal Gut Restore is approximately a 14 day supply if you do 2 scoops a day. Selecting the Auto Refill option will automatically deliver one container to your door every two weeks.
Optimal Gut Restore Sugar- & Stevia-Free‡ is a comprehensive, monk-fruit- extract-sweetened, low-allergy–potential dietary supplement designed to support gastrointestinal (GI) function and balanced detoxification. It features VegaPro™, XYMOGEN’s proprietary amino acid and pea/rice protein blend; Aminogen®, to facilitate protein absorption; phytonutrients; mineral amino acid chelates; and activated B vitamins, including Quatrefolic® and methylcobalamin. In conjunction with a modified elimination diet, Optimal Gut Restore Sugar- and Stevia-Free‡ addresses GI and hepatic function as well as eicosanoid balance and cytokine metabolism. This formula is suitable for vegans.†
‡This formula is not a low-calorie dietary supplement. Please see the Supplement Facts panel for more details.
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