The word Chakra in Sanskrit means wheel. There are many chakras in the body. In the western world, we recognize seven, each representing a different aspect of the human personality. Each chakra is associated with an endocrine gland, an element (earth, water, fire, air, ether) with a level of conscienceless, with a sense, and with a dimension.
Chakras are energy vortices along the spinal channel, transformers that change etheric energy to their own particular frequency, and distribute it to that segment of the physical body with they control.
Each chakra has its own special function in generating and distributing their form of prana, (life breath) to stimulate the glands for regeneration. When the chakras are open, they describe the range of our human personality, our every action. We become full of vitality, more alive, intense, and more focused. Chakras have been described by Saints and Masters of all spiritual paths.
(to be continued)
~Judith Waidtlow