Nebulizer Kit

Original price was: $185.00.Current price is: $166.50.

Nebulizers are important too have on hand if anyone in your home gets sick.

This kit includes:

  1. A nebulizer with an adult and a child face masks
  2. Biocidin tincture – an herbal broad spectrum antibacterial/ anti-viral consisting of 18 different herbs and essential oils. It kills the bad microbes while sparing the good microbes and because it is so comprehensive it does not create resistance from the bacteria.
  3. Lugol’s solution – is a solution of potassium iodide and iodine in water. It is a medication and a disinfectant used for a number of purposes.
  4. Instructions

Product Description

Nebulize for colds and flus
We all know that washing our hands before we eat or touch our face is one of the best ways to avoid getting a cold/ flu. What can you do when you start to feel like you are getting whatever is going around? At the first sign of that “telltale” tickle at the back of your throat or the start of a cough in your bronchi, I recommend to nebulize.

Basically a nebulizer is a small machine that aerosols a solution of your choice. Whatever you add will get aerosolized into tiny droplets that when breathed in will reach the depths of your sinuses, the back of your throat, down your trachea and into your lungs. Nebulize something as simple as salt water can be effective. Adding anti-viral/anti-bacterials can make it even more powerful and effective.

The following is the recipe that I have found to be extremely effective to stop the progression of a cold/ flu if done early enough and also it is amazing to alleviate a cough when you are sick.

  1. A nebulizer with a face mask that covers your mouth and nose
  2. Biocidin tincture- 5 drops
  3. Lugol’s solution – 2 drops of 2% or 1 drop of 5% Lugol’s solution
  4. 2 teas of saline solution or 2 teas of filtered clean water with a pinch of unrefined salt

Add Biocidin and Lugols to the saline solution and add to the cup in the nebulizer. Nebulize for about 15-30 minutes or until the liquid is gone.

  • If you are healthy then there is no need to nebulize daily. Only nebulize if you think you have been infected like being sneezed on or after plane ride.
  • If you have a compromised immune system then it is OK to nebulize daily for prevention, otherwise, there is no reason to nebulize daily.
  • If you are having symptoms like a runny nose or sore throat then nebulize 2-3 x day for 15-30 minutes until symptoms are resolved.
  • If you feel this irritates your lungs, stop using and try only saline and a teaspoon of Smart silver.


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