$63.99 / month
MegaMucosa 180 Capsules is the first complete mucosal support supplement of its kind, formulated to support a healthy mucosal barrier. MegaMucosa also contains dairy-free immunoglobulins clinically shown to support a healthy immune system in the mucosa and a state-of-the-art flavobiotic shown to support microbial diversity and short-chain fatty acid production.*
The mucosal system is a very important part of the human immune system. The mucosal system contains 150 times more surface area than skin, which makes it as essential element of the immune system that supports healthy immune function.
Dosing Instructions: Ages 3+: Start with 3 capsules daily with or without a meal for one week, then increase to 6 capsules daily with or without a meal as tolerated, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Children under 3 years of age, please consult with your healthcare practitioner.
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