Serotrex Single Purchase


  • 5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin
  • Serotonin is associated with regulating mood and sleep
  • L-theanine is a glutamate receptor antagonist
  • Glutamate is associated with anxiousness and stress

Product Description

SeroTrex 60 Orange Flavored Chewable Tablets by NeuroScience is an easy-to-administer dissolvable tablet providing rapid delivery of contents for calming relief. The amino acid L-theanine has been widely studied for its ability to produce a calming effect and prevent over-stimulation. It has been postulated that L-theanine’s effects are due to its ability to antagonize glutamate receptors, thereby dampening excessive stimulating neurotransmission. 5-HTP is included to support the production of serotonin, which also has a calming effect. Phosphatidylcholine is included to help in absorption of the primary ingredients. It is recommended to address low serotonin and elevated glutamate levels and for patients with overstimulation.