Total Tox Burden Panel


The Total Tox Burden is a urine test that assesses the total toxic burden in the body by measuring mycotoxin, heavy metal, and environmental chemical excretion in the urine. This bundle includes three different tests to assess the overall impact of toxic exposure, measuring 29 different mycotoxins, 20 heavy metals, and 39 environmental chemicals. This test can help identify whether an individual is dealing with a toxic burden that may be impacting their health.

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Product Description

Exposure to toxins can increase the risk of developmental harm, reproductive harm, cancer, liver damage, hormone imbalances, neurological dysfunction, gastrointestinal issues, and more. Toxins also have the potential to bioaccumulate in the body, meaning they can build up and persist for extended periods, breaking down slowly or not at all. This accumulation can disrupt detoxification, compromise immunity, and increase oxidative stress, making individuals susceptible to further toxic build-ups and negative health effects.

In our daily lives, we face constant exposure to toxins that can impact our health and well-being. Identifying elevated toxins in an individual can help remove sources of exposure and support detoxification specific to those toxins. Due to the ubiquitous nature of toxins, it’s important to test—not guess regarding the total toxic burden of our patients.

Conditions and symptoms which may benefit from Total Tox Burden include:

1. Neurological symptoms: Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, cognitive decline, memory loss, ataxia, tremors, numbness, tingling, neuropathy, paralysis, tinnitus, irritability, mood swings, balance loss or dizziness, disorientation, depression, anxiety, headache, light sensitivity, difficulty finding words, difficulty concentrating

2. Respiratory symptoms: Lung disease, breathing problems, respiratory distress, pneumonia, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breathCardiovascular symptoms: Hypertension, low blood pressure, low blood pressure

3. Hematological symptoms: Anemia, red blood cell count (RBC) abnormalities, hypokalemia, edema, cancers of the blood Gastrointestinal symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, reduced absorption of nutrients (particularly minerals), metallic taste, pancreatic cancer

4. Skeletal and bone-related symptoms: Osteoporosis, reduced bone mineral density
Dermatological symptoms: Dermatitis, eczema, dry skin, skin rashes Renal and hepatic symptoms: Renal failure, elevated liver enzymes, hepatic damage, suppressed hepatic detoxification

5. Reproductive symptoms: Infertility, difficulty conceiving, birth defects, miscarriage
Other symptoms: Fatigue and weakness, chronic burning in the throat and nasal passages, eye irritation or tearing, heightened sensitivity to chemicals, metallic taste in the mouth, morning stiffness or joint pain, muscle weakness, sleep problems, vision or hearing changes, increased urinary frequency or thirst, static shocks, hair loss….

Collection: One (1) urine tube

Hydration Restrictions: Do not drink more than 8 oz water 1 hour before each urine collection. Samples may be rejected in the urine is too dilute.

Fasting: Not required. However, it is important to note that fasting for 12–24 hours may increase the excretion of mycotoxins and environmental toxins from the adipose tissue.

Diet Restrictions: Avoid foods high in iodine (seafood, dairy, kelp) and selenium (Brazil nuts) up to 48 hours before collection. Iodine and selenium have a strong binding affinity for heavy metals (they act like “heavy metal magnets”). Therefore, consuming these foods before the Heavy Metals test may cause falsely lowered results.

Medication Restrictions: None.