I’m Dr. Heidi Hook, a Naturopathic Doctor with 28 years of experience and I am so happy that you are interested in learning more about the online courses that I am offering. My journey to this profession is profoundly personal. Raised in a medical family, I was always drawn to the idea of healing and helping others but it wasn’t until I faced my own health crisis at 25 that my path took a decisive turn. Overwhelmed by stress, poor diet, and an exhausting lifestyle, I sought help from seven different MD’s, only to find that none could offer a true solution. The last doctor, believing my chronic fatigue was purely depression, handed me a prescription for antidepressant and looked me in the eye and said that there was nothing I could do to heal. Leaving that appointment, I was engulfed in tears, certain that my inability to get out of bed was a symptom, not the cause. My body and soul were screaming at me that what he said was not true and then best thing is that a fire started in me to find the truth.

Desperate and at my wit’s end, I was encouraged by a friend to see a Naturopathic Doctor. I was unfamiliar with this approach, but I was willing to try anything. The naturopath’s reassurance that healing was possible ignited a spark of hope. Her guidance on a holistic approach—improving diet, managing stress, and embracing naturopathic treatments—marked the beginning of my recovery. Inspired by my own healing, I chose to dedicate my life to this field, becoming a Naturopathic Doctor myself and overcoming chronic fatigue through balanced living and personalized care.

However, a few years ago, I encountered a disheartening reality. My previously effective treatment plans began to fall short. Routine tests measuring vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants revealed a troubling pattern: while I could elevate nutrient levels in the bloodstream, cellular uptake remained problematic. Despite increasing supplementation and addressing cell membranes, the improvements were insufficient. My confidence wavered, and I questioned whether I could continue in a field where my methods no longer seemed to suffice.

Again, the fire in me to find the truth was burning and lighting my way. I discovered a company utilizing a revolutionary detox technology….Cellcore. Their patented approach binds to a range of toxins at the cellular level while sparing essential nutrients. This innovative method offered a solution where traditional approaches had faltered. It was a transformative discovery that rekindled my passion and reaffirmed my commitment to healing—both my own and that of my patients. This was way too big and too important to keep for just my patients in my practice, so……… here we are.

Every person is unique so I decided I needed to develop on line courses that offer different and unique options for everyone. Click on either of the courses below to read and learn more about them to find out what fits your “health journey” the best.

In Health,

Dr. Heidi Hook